
Here are some testimonials from RAAV members:

"First and foremost, I want to express my sincere gratitude to you and the rest of the Committee members for your unwavering dedication and commitment throughout our journey. Your efforts in facilitating and liaising with government bodies such as the Local Council and Consumer Affairs Victoria have been invaluable. Together, we have made significant strides in improving the procedures and regulations governing rooming house businesses in Victoria. Our collective focus on ensuring the safety and well-being of newcomers who come to study in Australia has not gone unnoticed.

As a result of our shared efforts, we have become well-informed and have acquired substantial knowledge on how to run a rooming house properly, in compliance with the law, and with utmost regard for the safety of all parties involved. It is crucial that we continue to foster a positive and caring environment for overseas students, providing them with a secure place to pursue their studies. This approach will not only benefit the students and the business owners but also the Australian Government in the long term, once their studies are completed.

Once again, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for your support and commitment to this endeavor. Your contributions have been instrumental in our progress. I wish you and the entire Committee continued success in all your future endeavors."

Lania and Gunawan Goh